Ready to apply energy skills to the goofiest grooming group of all… 

🐶 🍼 PUPPIES? 🍼🐶

Introducing: The Puppy Playbook Course! 


Snag my BRAND-NEW puppy energy course! Because puppies are on a whole other level… ay ay ay…. 

They are predictable, they are curious, they protest, they get distracted, they fight, and then…. they give up. And that’s when we get the job done. Puppies don’t know what grooming is, but they do know what they don’t want. And they will test your boundaries over and over (and over) again. Which can lead to an adorable but suuuuuper frustrating time grooming them.

But after this course, picture yourself:

🍼 Understanding and anticipating the most common puppy behaviors as if you “speak puppy” 

🍼 Being able to match–and work with, not against–a puppy’s level of behavior repetition

🍼 Having enough (cozy, calm) control over handling a pup so that you get the ideal groom done, while training them to be a good client for life

🍼 Feeling in touch with an internal level of patience that sets you up for success with every puppy you groom


I’m going to give you foolproof techniques on real-live pups in “The Puppy Playbook Course” that will change the way you work with puppies.

In 4 video lessons, you’ll see me work with adorable baby shmoops while I demonstrate my energy techniques as they specifically apply to reading and responding to puppies.

We'll go over introducing first-time puppies to the grooming process, building trust through gentle touch while keeping (your) confident energy, and so much more. 

By the end of this course, you'll have puppies falling asleep on your table.
(Just ask the puppies I groom! …when they wake up.)

These techniques are NOT included 
in the JRenerG course.
This is its own adorable course

Only $97!

Oooh baby, I need the puppy course!