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A 40 minute video featuring trimming the nailzies on different dogs which includes tips on reading and calming a dog’s energy, behaviors to watch for, & tools to use. You'll get to see real-time instructions on handling a stressed dog. Make your next nail trim, and every one ever after, much more serene & successful.

JRG 101

What do you get?

8+ video tutorials adding up to more than 9 hours of lessons. You’ll come away finally knowing how to absolutely nail: 

✔️ thorough bathing techniques so your dogs come out deliciously clean

✔️ beautiful prep work so your haircuts come out even, symmetrical, and gorgeous 

✔️ Instagram-worthy fluff outs

✔️ cozy de-matting techniques

✔️ tool/shear maintenance

Pluuuus access to an exclusive interview series (conducted by me!) where you'll get advice from the top leaders in the grooming industry, including Jay Scruggs, Olga Zabelinskaya, Victor Rosado and more. 

And so much more. This course is PACKED, and you’ll have lifetime access to all of it so you can watch at your own pace and come back as often as you like.  

If you have questions as you take the course? You get email support from me and my team!