$97.00 USD

A 40 minute video featuring trimming the nailzies on different dogs which includes tips on reading and calming a dog’s energy, behaviors to watch for, & tools to use. You'll get to see real-time instructions on handling a stressed dog. Make your next nail trim, and every one ever after, much more serene & successful.

Ears, Nose and Toes

The expression of the dog comes directly from their ears, nose & toes… master this and every dog will walk away beautiful and gorgeous - your entire haircut will be adorable.

Focusing on these areas will elevate your entire haircut so you can charge more for your grooms and get more repeat customers 

What you'll get:

  • Over 4 hours of 7 close-up video tutorials
  • Discover the most common mistakes groomers make when dealing with constructing a dog's expression
  • Learn exactly what to avoid when shaping a foot 

Learn to Avoid

  1. Pointy feet or the dreaded “dart” foot
  2. Inconsistent work and have consistently beautiful work
  3. Droopy and choppy ears
  4. Dogs look old and sad