$37.00 USD

In this 43-minute tutorial, I show energy techniques on different dogs that are displaying different behaviors. There’s a dog that “has never let anyone clip his nails before,” an untrusting puppy who puts his teeth on me, a shmoopy bear who just has a little bit of anxiety, and more.

With this video you’ll know how to trim nails the JRG way – with a calm, neutral energy, PLUS a firm (or gentle) touch depending on the behavior. And on that note? I’ll translate the dog’s behavioral cues as I go, so you can uplevel your dog-reading skills. This understanding will make your time with a nervous little beast less stressful.

Milano - Using Energy To Calm a Bratty Protest

What You'll Get: 

  • 30 minute tutorial that demonstrates Milano, a tiny little Pom who is none-too thrilled about his grooming experience. 
  • He's matty AND bratty. This powerful video shows you some of my most effective techniques for building trust and comfort through your energy, establishing that you’re in charge when a dog is reeeally protesting so they calm down. Brat, be gone!