One Payment of $99.00

A 40 minute video featuring trimming the nailzies on different dogs which includes tips on reading and calming a dog’s energy, behaviors to watch for, & tools to use. You'll get to see real-time instructions on handling a stressed dog. Make your next nail trim, and every one ever after, much more serene & successful.

JRG Faces Mini Course

Want glamorous & adorable faces shmoops…?

Here’s your one-and-only chance to grab. these 4 face tutorial videos!

  1. Learn my popular faces blueprint with some fun new styles! In these tutorials I go over my signature JRG Faces Blueprint with a few new adorable  Japanese styles. 
  2. Discover how to apply my faces blueprint on a doodle with a coat combo -  a fluffy coat on top of her head, and a thick drop coat on her muzzle.
  3. Find out the most common mistakes groomers make with shear and comb positions, and what to avoid when shaping a face.
  4. And learn to create intentional lines with a long top knot and a short-face! One of my favorite styles. 

Note: These life-changing & exclusive tutorials were NOT included in the original Many Faces of JRG course. 

Get them for only $99 today!